Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Think about it. Think think about it.

Election day has come and gone. First of all, it's awesome that so many people voted. One of the great things about America is the power of one voice. One person can spark a change.

Regardless of how you voted, last night was historic. A country that, 150 years ago, a black man could be bought like an animal, has elected a black man president. This man started from the bottom of the political system, helping one person at a time, has risen to our highest elected office. At the very least, this should be an inspiration. It is the perfect example of the American dream.

This was a hard fought, intense election. People had strong opinions, and voiced them. This is another great thing about America. (Blah, blah blah.... you can't do that everywhere.) This election was particularly groundbreaking for several reasons, including the use of technology. This is the first youtube election, and the first facebook election. This means that individual voices have a greater forum to voice their opinions. We can all give our best 10 words about politics, sports, whatever.

It's awesome that people my age are invested in this election. I hope it will carry over. I hope in 2012, voter turnout is even higher. That said, let's be careful. I wrote about this in an old blog in 2004 (no, I will not be sharing the link), and what was happening then is happening again. I know it sucks when your candidate loses. I also know it sucks when your candidate is elected and doesn't deliver on his promises. Please, look at the situation and the issues objectively before reacting.

The Presidential election isn't a football game. Politics isn't sport. Vote for who you voted for proudly, support who you support. Voice your opinions, but do it responsibly. The petty stuff is incredibly off-putting, and, on one occasion I've seen, pretty racist. People aren't stupid because they disagree with you, and because they have another opinion doesn't mean they don't understand yours.

Embrace the fact that living in a republic means sometimes the person you vote for loses. Doesn't that just prove the system (flawed though it may be) works.

Or just move to Canada. They will definitely welcome you with their socialized medicine, ardent gun control and metric system. How conservative of them.


Deanna Doogan said...

Adam I can't think of way to say it better.

KeeleyMarie said...

And I was going to say exactly what Diana said. Well put Adam, well put!

Adam said...

thanks washington x2....

and ill be dammned if you find my blog from when i was in high school...

KeeleyMarie said...

Is that a challenge Adam? Diana and I love a challenge, especially when it comes to internet stalking...oh, I mean sleuthing...

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