Sunday, December 21, 2008

Creative Thinking With Adam and Sanford

Sanford has a date tomorrow. Him and I discussed what he should do on this date. What follows is unedited.

sanfordnh (1:36:35 AM): well, i hope that she wants to hang out tomorrow
akanefive (1:36:50 AM): i hope so too dude
sanfordnh (1:37:07 AM): even though i dont know where we are going to eat, and the museum i was going to bring her to is closed
sanfordnh (1:37:18 AM): so, i guess just lunch and then...i dont know...a movie?
akanefive (1:37:31 AM): not a movie
akanefive (1:37:35 AM): be more creative
akanefive (1:37:43 AM): youre in los angeles
sanfordnh (1:37:45 AM): like what? i dont know what to do man
sanfordnh (1:37:55 AM): i looked it up online, and i couldnt find anything
akanefive (1:38:04 AM): well
sanfordnh (1:38:05 AM): maybe i will take her to a park or something
akanefive (1:38:11 AM): there you go
sanfordnh (1:39:00 AM): we can walk in a dog park, or something
akanefive (1:39:10 AM): yeah
akanefive (1:39:20 AM): and buy her ice cream
akanefive (1:39:24 AM): or something
akanefive (1:40:58 AM): maybe buy her a ticket to your pants
sanfordnh (1:41:27 AM): ask her if she wants join the party. It is in my pants, and i want to know if she wants to come to the party
akanefive (1:41:42 AM): haha
akanefive (1:41:58 AM): when you see her
akanefive (1:41:59 AM): say
akanefive (1:42:04 AM): daddy's home
sanfordnh (1:42:08 AM): haha
sanfordnh (1:42:13 AM): that would be so funny
akanefive (1:42:18 AM): it would
sanfordnh (1:42:23 AM): only to me...and you
sanfordnh (1:42:25 AM): she would leave
akanefive (1:42:33 AM): yeah she would
akanefive (1:42:35 AM): oh
sanfordnh (1:42:38 AM): but being that she isnt going to come here anyway....
akanefive (1:42:48 AM): and dont let on about how much of a nerd you are
sanfordnh (1:42:57 AM): should i tell her i love her?
sanfordnh (1:43:05 AM): or buy her a jar of olives?
sanfordnh (1:43:52 AM): maybe a blue french horn
akanefive (1:44:18 AM): or
akanefive (1:44:25 AM): a mix cd
sanfordnh (1:44:38 AM): haha
sanfordnh (1:44:41 AM): what a great idea
sanfordnh (1:44:58 AM): maybe i can put a bunch of love songs on it...and got back
akanefive (1:45:02 AM): haha
akanefive (1:45:07 AM): or
akanefive (1:45:20 AM): the soundtrack to shawshank redemption
sanfordnh (1:45:24 AM): haha
sanfordnh (1:45:57 AM): maybe i should just by her the movie Rounders
akanefive (1:46:34 AM): or st elsewhere season 1
sanfordnh (1:46:37 AM): haha
akanefive (1:46:54 AM): and tell her all your dates will consist of watching the show
akanefive (1:46:59 AM): one episode at a time
sanfordnh (1:47:00 AM): haha
akanefive (1:47:48 AM): or
akanefive (1:48:00 AM): a signed picture of curtis "booger" armstrong
sanfordnh (1:48:15 AM): or i could get Billy Dee Williams to sing to us as we eat dinner
akanefive (1:48:20 AM): yeah man
akanefive (1:48:38 AM): you should probably grow a moustache for the date
akanefive (1:48:42 AM): but like
sanfordnh (1:48:45 AM): done and done
akanefive (1:48:49 AM): a good three day stache
akanefive (1:48:53 AM): not a real one
sanfordnh (1:48:58 AM): done and done
sanfordnh (1:49:01 AM): haha
akanefive (1:49:04 AM): like youre going for the 5 oclock shadow
akanefive (1:49:11 AM): but thats the only place it came in
sanfordnh (1:49:15 AM): haha
sanfordnh (1:49:28 AM): i dont think i am going to wear pants for the date
akanefive (1:49:43 AM): do you have a really long t shirt?
sanfordnh (1:49:46 AM): haha
sanfordnh (1:49:50 AM): that would be great
akanefive (1:49:57 AM): like long enough that you can wear a belt with it
sanfordnh (1:50:45 AM): as long as it is a scarf that i tie into a belt
akanefive (1:50:50 AM): nice
akanefive (1:51:54 AM): can you wear a bandana around your face
akanefive (1:52:01 AM): like you're a train robber
sanfordnh (1:52:11 AM): haha, yeah totally

It's almost like he still lives downstairs.

Revenge of the Nerds is on television. I can't believe what they got away with in that movie.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Think about it. Think think about it.

Election day has come and gone. First of all, it's awesome that so many people voted. One of the great things about America is the power of one voice. One person can spark a change.

Regardless of how you voted, last night was historic. A country that, 150 years ago, a black man could be bought like an animal, has elected a black man president. This man started from the bottom of the political system, helping one person at a time, has risen to our highest elected office. At the very least, this should be an inspiration. It is the perfect example of the American dream.

This was a hard fought, intense election. People had strong opinions, and voiced them. This is another great thing about America. (Blah, blah blah.... you can't do that everywhere.) This election was particularly groundbreaking for several reasons, including the use of technology. This is the first youtube election, and the first facebook election. This means that individual voices have a greater forum to voice their opinions. We can all give our best 10 words about politics, sports, whatever.

It's awesome that people my age are invested in this election. I hope it will carry over. I hope in 2012, voter turnout is even higher. That said, let's be careful. I wrote about this in an old blog in 2004 (no, I will not be sharing the link), and what was happening then is happening again. I know it sucks when your candidate loses. I also know it sucks when your candidate is elected and doesn't deliver on his promises. Please, look at the situation and the issues objectively before reacting.

The Presidential election isn't a football game. Politics isn't sport. Vote for who you voted for proudly, support who you support. Voice your opinions, but do it responsibly. The petty stuff is incredibly off-putting, and, on one occasion I've seen, pretty racist. People aren't stupid because they disagree with you, and because they have another opinion doesn't mean they don't understand yours.

Embrace the fact that living in a republic means sometimes the person you vote for loses. Doesn't that just prove the system (flawed though it may be) works.

Or just move to Canada. They will definitely welcome you with their socialized medicine, ardent gun control and metric system. How conservative of them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can

In case any of you were wondering why I voted the way I did, here it is. This is a section from a speech Barack Obama gave last January, I'm sure many have heard it.

We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.

We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks to come. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.

But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. For when we have faced down impossible odds; when we’ve been told that we’re not ready, or that we shouldn’t try, or that we can’t, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people.

Yes we can.

It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.

Yes we can.

It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom through the darkest of nights.

Yes we can.

It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.

Yes we can.

It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballot; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.

Yes we can to justice and equality. Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world. Yes we can.


Also, remember, if you don't vote, you aren't allowed to complain about whoever you didn't help elect. Happy Election day.

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Without the world of possibility, what do we have left?
