Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Additional Response to... Well...

Kaela, you make excellent points. (It's after 11 here in the East, so I'm being less formal.)

Your points are valid and accurate. And yes, he has been a better President in every measurable way than our previous President. The one thing George Bush excelled in was the immediate response to the attacks on 9/11. When he spoke to the nation that night, and to a joint session of Congress later that week, even the most cynical, skeptical, granola-eating liberal had to feel proud to have him as a President. The problem with George Bush started after all of this transpired. It was the longer-term response to this tragedy that, I would argue, defined his time in office.

Yes, Obama has raised the level of public health care debate in this country (somewhat). And he has avoided scandal and he has managed not to get dragged into the stupid stuff (tea parties, etc...). But my initial point was, expectations seemed higher to me in January. I'm glad Obama has done a better job than GWB (thus far). I still have a great amount of hope in the rest of his administration. It's just that this first year has been a bit of a let down from the campaign.

"I'm Andrew Sheppard and I AM the President!"


Avery said...

So I've been following you posts back an forth. I wish I could be more involved with the conversation.

However, I do feel you hit on a huge point in the post. The different tactic (more so viewpoint) of our current and our past POTUS. President Bush excelled in the short-term. And, was more so a short-term thinking President, whether right or wrong. Now, President Obama, all indications state, is a long-term thinker. Meaning it may take a longer period of time to decide. People who are expecting change over night (or in a year which is equivalent to over night for an administration) are living in a fantasy world.

Just my two cents...Good back and forth, I've enjoyed it.

"This is a time for serious people, Bob, and your fifteen minutes are up."

Adam said...

Thanks for the comment, Jake.

And I think your views on the philosophies of our past and current President also accurately describes the views of our two major parties. Republicans tend to care about the NOW. "Let's fix things right away, even if it means we'll have the same problem in 15 months." Democrats are so focused on the future, the present merely exists as the thing getting in the way of it. Sadly, there seems to be no middle ground these days, which is the real political tragedy of our generation.

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